Often soldiers, pilots and navy personnel would write home after excruciating missions to their loved ones to tell them that all was well after a battle. Here is an example of a letter being written home by a Canadian RCAF pilot to his parents.
Dear mon and dad!
I just wanted to take this moment to say hello and to say that i am doing fine. I have received your letter dated April 16Th. Don't worry for me i am doing well. I went out on a bombing run last night! Made it back OK. The flak was so hard i could almost walk on it! I am a little tired but feeling well! I am sad to say that i have lost two of my good friends last night. Johnson and Perry. Their Mosquito was hit by flak and broken in two. Didn't see no parachutes. They wont be writing home no more. I can say that i am so happy to be writing to you now dear mom and dad. I am cold and tired but it don't matter. I am alive and well. Say hello to all and i just cant wait to see you folks! Thank God i am here to see another day! I love the sunrise before my eyes!
With love your son Frank!
Very ofter letters were short and simple, servicemen couldn't write much because of the military censorship. Back in World War 2 letters would take a few days to get home to reassure their loved ones that all was OK! Just knowing that your son or daughter was doing well gave reassuring news to the families and friends that their loved ones overseas would live to see another day! Gee whiz i cant wait for this war to be over mom!